Monday, November 15, 2010

Still mail-order shopping....!?!

Even having moved to the land of plenty, I am doing my Christmas shopping online! Peekaboo has asked Santa for a 'real piano, that I can play real songs on'. I looked around here; Toys R Us, Sears, The Toy Cupboard etc...they had some, but the reviews were awful (as was the sound they produce!)
After careful consideration, we went with the Schoenhut 30 Key piano. It, apparently, sounds pretty nice, never needs tuning, and suits a child of Peekaboo's age. It comes with a colour-coded song book and a key chart that fits on the piano. If I post a link on my blog
Little Wonders

the company Little Wonders will give me a discount!
So, all my northern friends, if you are still shopping try this site out!!

Happy Christmas Shopping to you all!

1 comment:

Tamara said...

A very adorable piano. She's gonna love it.