Sunday, June 28, 2009

Outside fun!

We finally had a nice day, weather-wise, and the kids were thrilled to spend some time outside. Ezra enjoys the sandbox, and Peekaboo was helping him explore the wonder that is sand. He also enjoys the plethora of Dandylions in our yard-whatever, Peekaboo thinks they are "beautiful flowers...." Ezra, apparently, thinks they are "something tasty for me to put in my mouth!" We picked up a $5 pool at Fields. Ezra wasn't quite sure what to make of this new addition to the yard....

Ezra finally braved it, crawling in over the side..

...then screaming and crawling out the other side even more quickly!! A little too cold I think!


Matt, Kara, Hunter and Cavan said...

How much sand did he eat??

Tigger said...

About a week ago, he put a big handful in his mouth (I kind of let him....)then he opened his mouth and the big clump of wet sand fell out....he hasn't done it since! Do I win Mother of the Year or what!!??

Matt, Kara, Hunter and Cavan said...

ahahah Hunter did the same thing last month. He poured it in with a cup and then cried so bad! Then I had to pin him down to wash him mouth out. And yep, he hasn't done it since either!